Tears cleanse the soul


『Talking to Heaven Mediumship Oracle天堂訊息卡』


第一張出現『Tears cleanse the soul 』這訊息.......



When you cry, I am even closer to you, hugging and reassuring you. Some-times you feel my presence, and some-times not. However, I want you to know how beautiful you are when you are vul-nerable with your heart fully open, feel-ing your raw emotions.Tears are a way to wash your soul of impurities, such as fear and worry.
It's a healthy means of releasing painful feelings. So I'm very proud of you for al-lowing yourself to cry. I know that it'sdifficult and that you want the pain to end. And it will-I promise! Just know that your heart heals faster as you allow it to experience all of these feelings. Don't try to stay composed or hold back tears.Cry if and when you need to. People will understand! And if they don't,

then that says much more about them than it does about you-because God gave us the ability to shed tears for a healing reason,and it takes a strong person to cry.

